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Meeting Minutes
August 9, 2012
Memorial Town Hall

Mark Johnson, Mary Ricker

MEMBER ABSENT:          
Bruce Penino

Andrea Crete, Board of Health Agent

M. Johnson called the Board of Health Meeting to order at 3:10 PM


Cutler Road Lot 84 Parcel 20 for Scott Morrison:  This is a new lot with a new septic system design.  No variances are being asked.

Conditions for approval are as follows: 1) The soil evaluators’ statement regarding licensing and signature is required either on the plans or as an attachment to the soil testing forms that were submitted. 2) The septic system will need to be staked out prior to construction.

M. Johnson motioned to approve with the conditions.  M. Ricker seconded.  Vote 2-0, APPROVED.

Documents presented during review:  Septic Plans, Cutler Road Lot 84, Parcel 20, for Scott Morrison, dated 7/12/12, designed by Graves Engineering.

Chapin Road, Lot 14, Sean Xenos:  This is a new lot with a new septic system design.  It was previously approved on January 12, 2009 for a three bedroom septic plan.  Lot 14 is coming before the board as a revision for a 4 bedroom septic plan.

Conditions for approval are as follows: 1) Stake out the SAS and well locations.  2) A physical barrier is recommended between the driveway and the closest component of the SAS so as not to drive over any of the pipes.  3) A grading easement may be needed if the adjacent property is not owned by the same property owner as lot 14 and or is already developed.

M. Johnson motioned to approve with the conditions.  M. Ricker seconded.  Vote 2-0, APPROVED.

Documents presented during review:  Septic Plans, Chapin Road, Lot 14, for Sean Xenos, dated 8/3/12, designed by Finlay Engineering.


  • A. Crete talked about Community Health Forums that are being conducted in the Regional Health District.  In Holden, the forums will take place during the Band Stand Concerts at the Senior Center and at Holden Days to gather information on the community from the residents.

  • Meeting minutes will be approved via email correspondence among the Board members.
  • A. Crete will get information for M. Ricker on how to set up a HHAN account.
  • A. Crete will send Board members the Community Health Forum Questions
Next Meeting:  September 18, 2012

M. Johnson motioned to adjourn the Board of Health meeting.  M. Ricker seconded.  All in favor.

Meeting Adjourned at 4:05 PM

August 9, 2012 minutes approved September 18, 1012              

Andrea Crete, Board of Health Agent